
The conditions of this disclaimer apply to this website www.euromedfin.com (hereinafter: the website).
By visiting the website and/or using the information offered on or via the website, you agree to the applicability of this disclaimer. We recommend that you read the disclaimer carefully.

Use of the website

Although EuroMedFin takes great care in compiling and maintaining the website, it may happen that certain information on the website is no longer current, complete or correct. EuroMedFin is not liable for any form of damage due to inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided or its out-of-date information. EuroMedFin also does not guarantee that the website will function error-free or uninterrupted.

EuroMedFin accepts no liability for any damage arising directly or indirectly as a result of (the impossibility of) the use of the information published on the website.

No medical advice
The information on the website is intended for general purposes. The website does not provide medical advice. If you have health complaints, we always recommend that you contact your GP, dentist (or possibly your specialist). This also applies to patients who are under treatment or have already been treated through the relevant clinic after the intervention or mediation of EuroMedFin.

Information on sites linked toEuroMedFin accepts no liability and no responsibility for the content, use or availability of websites referred to or that refer to the website. The information on these external websites has not been checked by EuroMedFin for accuracy, currency or completeness.

Use of information
All information on the website (including the texts, design, corporate identity and logos) is the property of EuroMedFin or is legally valid for use by EuroMedFin. It is not permitted to copy, download or in any way publish, distribute or reproduce information on the website without prior written permission from EuroMedFin or the permission of the copyright holder. You may print and/or download information on the website for personal use. It is not permitted to create a link to a page of the EuroMedFin website, to link the EuroMedFin website to other websites (framing) or to perform similar actions without the prior written permission of EuroMedFin.

EuroMedFin reserves the right to change or terminate the (content of this) website at its own discretion and at any time without further notice. EuroMedFin is not liable for the consequences of modification or termination.

Applicable law
Portuguese law applies to the website and disclaimer. All disputes arising from or in connection with the website and disclaimer will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Portugal.